Study of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI)Pilot GMS Cross-Border LITSProject summary... Project report...
Strategy for Liaoning North Yellow Sea Regional Cooperation and DevelopmentPilot GMS Cross-Border LITSProject summary... Project report...
Transboundary Animal Disease Control in the GMS: Cross-Border Livestock Identification and Traceability System (LITS)Pilot GMS Cross-Border LITSProject summary... Project report...
Challenges and Opportunities for Climate Adaptation in Thailand AgricultureAnalysis of climate risk and adaptation options in the agricultural sector in Thailand. Project summary... Project rice report... Project field crop report... Project tree crop report...
H5N1 Incidence, Viral Evolution, and Policy ImplicationsPresents a classification scheme for HPAI incidence. Project summary... Project report...
Kyrgyz Economic Growth and Trade Facilitation in Central AsiaThe growth benefits for the Kyrgyz Republic of trade facilitation in the Central Asian Region (CAR).Project summary... Project report...
GMS Food and Energy SecurityLong term projections of the GMS region's food and hydroelectric needs and production potential.Project summary... Project report...
Vietnam Water SecurityLong term scenarios for water security in Vietnam. Project summary... Project report...
Kazakhstan Corridor AssessmentEconomic assessment of a major road corridor through Kazakhstan Project summary... Project report...
CAREC Corridor AssessmentEconomic assessment of Central Asian regional integration. Project summary... Project report...
Climate Risk to Agriculture in Lao PDREarly warning system for climate risk to rice production. Project summary... Project report...