Study of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI)Pilot GMS Cross-Border LITSProject summary... Project report...
China and East Asian Trade to 2020Trade opportunities for China and East Asia. Project summary... Project report...
Strategy for Liaoning North Yellow Sea Regional Cooperation and DevelopmentPilot GMS Cross-Border LITSProject summary... Project report...
Transboundary Animal Disease Control in the GMS: Cross-Border Livestock Identification and Traceability System (LITS)Pilot GMS Cross-Border LITSProject summary... Project report...
Roadmap on the Prospects for GMS National Scaling and GMS Regional Coordination of Agrifood Traceability SchemesRoadmap for GMS food traceability schemes.Project summary... Project Report...
M-POWER – CPWF Capacity-Building ProgramLong term projections of the GMS region's food and hydroelectric needs and production potential.Project summary...
Improving hydropower decision-making processes in the Mekong BasinLong term projections of the GMS region's food and hydroelectric needs and production potential.Project summary...
SPADA - Strategic Pathogen Assessment for Domesticated Animals: Economic AnalysisSPADA - Strategic Pathogen Assessment for Domesticated AnimalsProject summary... Project report...
Livestock Development Goals: Application to Peru, Senegal and Viet NamPPLPI’s Livestock Development Goals: Application to Peru, Senegal and Viet NamProject summary... Project report...
Integrated Poverty Assessment of Livestock Promotion: An Example from the Viet NamIntegrated Poverty Assessment for Livestock Promotion in VietnamProject summary... Project report...
Animal disease impact assessment in the Greater Mekong Sub- RegionAnimal disease impact assessment in the Greater Mekong Sub- RegionProject summary... Project report...
Long Term Food Security in Developing AsiaLong Term Food Security in Developing AsiaProject summary... Project report...
GMS Regional Trade in Livestock: Animal Flows and Disease RiskGMS Regional Trade in LivestockProject summary... Project report...
Vietnam’s WTO Accession: Implications for Economic ReformVietnam’s WTO Accession: Implications for Economic ReformProject summary...Project report...
Vietnam’s Bilateral Trade Agreement with the United StatesVietnam’s Bilateral Trade Agreement with the United States Project summary...Project report...
Vietnam’s Trade with Korea: Longer-Term Prospects for the Vietnamese Agricultural SectorLonger-Term Prospects for the Vietnamese Agricultural Sector Project summary...Project report...