Cap and Trade and Structural Transition in the California EconomyCap and Trade in CaliforniaProject summary...Project report...
Economic Assessment for Climate Action in CaliforniaCap and Trade in CaliforniaProject summary...Project report...
How Will Florida’s Economy Be Affected By A Federal Cap-and-Trade System?Cap and Trade and the Florida EconomyProject summary...Project report...
Economic Analysis of California Climate Policy Initiatives using the Berkeley Energy and Resources (BEAR) ModelAB32 Scoping PlanProject summary...Project report...
Climate Action for Economic Growth: An Economic Assessment of California's Global Warming Solutions ActClimate Action for Economic GrowthProject summary...Project report...
Macroeconomic Analysis of Climate Strategies: Presented in the March 2006 Climate Action Team ReportMacroeconomic Analysis of Climate StrategiesProject summary...Project report...
Climate Change, Water, and Agriculture in Morocco’s FutureAnalysis of climate risk and adaptation with respect to water resources in Morocco. Project summary...Project report...
Poverty Reduction in Vietnam's Northern Mountain RegionPoverty reduction in the Northern Mountain region of Vietnam. Project summary...Project report...
Challenges and Opportunities for Climate Adaptation in Thailand AgricultureAnalysis of climate risk and adaptation options in the agricultural sector in Thailand. Project summary... Project rice report... Project field crop report... Project tree crop report...
Hydropower Development and Economic Growth in NepalEconomic assessment of Nepal's hydroelectric potential.Project summary... Project report...
Indian Energy Security and Biofuel StrategyEconomic assessment of India's national biofuel strategy.Project summary... Project report...
Asian Food SecurityLong term assessment of Asian food supply and demand patterns.Project summary... Project report...
Vietnam Water SecurityLong term scenarios for water security in Vietnam. Project summary... Project report...
Climate Risk to Agriculture in Lao PDREarly warning system for climate risk to rice production. Project summary... Project report...
Promoting Rural Livelihoods and Public Health Through Poultry Microfinance: Evidence from Lao PDRMicrofinance for promotion of the Lao livestock sector. Project summary... Project Report...
UKaid Symposium on Smallholder Livestock and Animal Disease Risk in the GMSSymposium on Smallholder Livestock and Animal Disease Risk.Project summary... Project Report...